Ruga Turtle Photo Galleries

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This page contains photo books dedicated to Ruga. A small tribute to my 'domestic painted turtle' that lives with me between the four walls of a normal residential house, between the city and the little agricultural land left around.

Better could be said that the agricultural land around here is now hostage to wild cementification. Both the irregular one some years ago and the legal one now. Not only the habitats of our animals are damaged, now also those in which we live every day.

What can we do to improve our living environments? Since we have a turtle, if possible, instead of putting it under lamps that consume electricity and produce CO2, we could place it in an environment where it can take direct sunlight. Sunlight unfiltered.

My turtle, in fact, lives on the balcony in the open air. A semi-covered terrace where even the sun beats or a semi-open veranda are suitable places for our freshwater turtles.



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Prodotti Utili

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